Leaky Gut Syndrome is a relatively new concept that refers to the increased permeability of the intestinal wall, allowing substances that should be blocked from entering the bloodstream, such as bacteria, toxins, and food particles, to pass through the gaps in the intestinal barrier and enter the circulatory system. This condition can disrupt the absorption of nutrients and has been associated with chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and allergic reactions. Therefore, improving gut health and preventing leaky gut are crucial for enhancing overall bodily health.
How to prevent Leaky Gut and improve gut health?
Phenylcapsaicin (aXivite™), developed by Swedish company aXichem AB, has been shown in a study to inhibit Quorum Sensing, a bacterial communication process in the intestines. By effectively blocking communication between harmful bacteria in the gut, aXivite™ prevents their accumulation and proliferation, reduces damage to the intestinal barrier, maintains its integrity, and prevents the occurrence of leaky gut. It also enhances the regulatory effects of the gut microbiota, improves metabolism, reduces inflammation, and promotes gut health as well as overall health and fat metabolism for weight loss.
The research conducted by aXichem AB represents a significant scientific discovery, demonstrating the beneficial effects of Phenylcapsaicin (aXivite™) on gut health. It contributes to improved digestion and fat metabolism. This research has obtained global patents.
Fights obesity by stimulating energy
Reduces visceral fat accumulation
Burns more calories
Converts white fat into brown fat
Reduces cravings for food and sweets
Improves metabolism and increases metabolic rate
Balances intestinal flora and reduces gut inflammation