頑疾康復者保健品 | 薑黃素恢復健康活力

Reclaim Your Health, Restore Life's Vitality! Curcumin – The Ideal Companion for Chronic Illness Recovery

Every step in the journey of recovering from chronic illnesses is crucial. Curcumin, a treasure of nature, is your ideal choice for regaining vital...

Do Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil Serve the Same Functions?

Many health-conscious individuals are taking fish oil, but with the variety of fish oil products on the market, many people confuse fis...

How to Choose High-Quality Fish Oil?

Source – Extraction Process – Nutritional Value Norwegian salmon, for example, thrive in the cold, pristine waters of the North Atlantic, ...

Can Melatonin Help You Sleep Better? One ingredient help booster melatonin efficiency

A survey by The Chinese University of Hong Kong found that nearly 7 out of 10 people in Hong Kong have experienced insomnia. Our brains have an internal clock that controls when we wake up and when we sleep.

眼光光瞓唔著?易醒瞓極都攰?<br />1招呼吸法+2大生活營養貼士踢走失眠


(Traditional Chinese only) 現代人生活節奏急速、壓力大,易出現失眠問題。中大有研究指,近7成港人有失眠問題。難入睡、易醒等困擾不少人士,長期失眠可影響心理及增各項健康問題風險……(繼續閱讀)

消滯有方法 | 大飲大食後遺症  消化不良兼便秘

Indulging in food and drink, must prevent constipation and improve intestinal digestion

Lunar New Year is a day when people indulge in abundant food and drink. Family and friends are on vacation, and those who don't travel usually gath...
賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱

賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱

(Traditional Chinese only) 農曆新年又到啦,除咗出外拜年,少不免要食下糕點應下節,但唔少都屬高卡高脂,一不小心隨時墮入三高陷阱,增血管負荷。點先可以食得精明,健康過新年?一於認清各糕點熱量,同埋睇下香港衛生署認可營養師Kandy Cheung有咩好建議……(繼續閱讀)
秋冬保養 | 提升你的肌膚健康,掌握兩個必備元素!

Transform Your Skin Health with Two Essential Elements!

In today’s world, dry weather, air pollution, food additives, stress, irregular schedules, and aging can all accelerate skin aging, leaving it dull...
腸道健康 | 美食佳餚接踵而來 | 如何消脂減滯? 食得健康!

🎉 Embrace the Spring Festival: Don't Neglect Your Gut Health! 🎉

As the joyful atmosphere of Christmas gradually fades, delicious dishes for New Year’s and the Spring Festival are on the way. Our gut faces signif...

One Essential Food for Frequent Mobile Users

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to see individuals, whether on the street or in vehicles, engrossed in their mobile devices. On average, n...
世界肝炎日 4個護肝好習慣

World Hepatitis Day: 4 Good Habits for Liver

Every year on July 28th, World Hepatitis Day is celebrated globally, with governments and medical organizations from all countries urging people to take collective action to prevent and protect against hepatitis, safeguarding their health...(read more)

超級元素 硫辛酸ALA <br> 維護肝臟健康4大益處

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): 4 Key Benefits for Liver Health

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, responsible for various critical functions such as metabolism, detoxification, and...