消滯有方法 | 大飲大食後遺症  消化不良兼便秘

Indulging in food and drink, must prevent constipation and improve intestinal digestion

Lunar New Year is a day when people indulge in abundant food and drink. Family and friends are on vacation, and those who don't travel usually gath...
賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱

賀年糕點熱量大比拼|營養師教路︰如何健康過新年 免墮三高陷阱

(Traditional Chinese only) 農曆新年又到啦,除咗出外拜年,少不免要食下糕點應下節,但唔少都屬高卡高脂,一不小心隨時墮入三高陷阱,增血管負荷。點先可以食得精明,健康過新年?一於認清各糕點熱量,同埋睇下香港衛生署認可營養師Kandy Cheung有咩好建議……(繼續閱讀)
魚肝油≠魚油 <br> 為什麼多吃魚油而不是魚肝油?

Why Choose Fish Oil over Cod Liver Oil?

In the pursuit of a healthy diet, both fish oil and cod liver oil are highly regarded natural supplements. However, some experts tend to recommend ...
為什麼要多攝取奧米加-3而不是奧米加-6  </br>奧米加-3和奧米加-6從那裡來?

Why should we consume more Omega-3 instead of Omega-6?
Where do Omega-3 and Omega-6 come from?

Omega-3 and Omega-6 both are unsaturated fatty acids, and they play different roles in the human body. Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory, while Omega-6 ...
世界心臟日丨5個生活習慣 遠離心臟病

World Heart Day | 5 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

September 29th every year is The World Heart Day, aimed at raising awareness about heart health and encouraging people to adopt positive lifestyle habits to prevent heart disease. We would like to share a few tips for keeping your heart healthy...(read more)

奧米加-3<br />兒童成長不可或缺的營養元素

Omega-3: Essential Nutrient for Children's Growth

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial nutrients for children during their growth period. Omega-3 fatty acids primarily include EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which play a key role in children's growth and development...(read more)

Omega-3,6,9脂肪酸,如何吃才健康, aXimed,

Omega-3,6,9 fatty acids, are they all good?
Wrong choice can damage your health!

Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega 9 fatty acids are all important dietary fats for our health, some fatty acids are good for cardiovascular health, while others can cause inflammation in the body, therefore a balanced intake is beneficial for health...(read more)

進食淡水魚-並非絕對健康安全, aXimed,

Freshwater fish is not necessarily always healthy

More and more warnings for contaminants and chemicals in fish are published. Of course, we think that a healthy and varied diet supplemented with Natural Omega-3 Salmon Oil is the best...(read more)



(Traditional Chinese only) 農曆新年佳節過後,經過狂歡暴飲暴食,血管內廢物量急升!再加上放假夜瞓、瞓得少、甚至日夜顛倒,成個人變得又攰、皮膚又黃!不過唔駛怕,立即睇節日後3招快速補救大法……(繼續閱讀)


(Traditional Chinese only) 魚油丸含有豐富的Omega-3,有助護心健腦,對關節及穩定情緒亦有莫大功效,對人體健康十分重要。市面魚油丸選擇眾多,但到底邊隻好?最近權威消費機構測試了25款魚油補充劑樣本,發現全部含污染物!到底邊款魚油先至最優質安全……(繼續閱讀)
魚油≠魚肝油<br />功效大不同 立即看清3大分別

Fish oil ≠ cod liver oil Understanding their 3 main differences

Consuming supplements is common nowadays, fish oil is one of the popular health supplements, however, some people...(read more)