世界糖尿病日 - 糖尿病有幾型?什麼人會患上糖尿病?

World Diabetes Day - What are the different types of diabetes? Who is at risk of developing diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease primarily characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can have adverse effects on multiple systems in the body. B...
乳清蛋白、抗癌路上不可少! <br />提供全面營養、增加肌肉量、提升免疫力

Whey Protein, Essential on the Journey of Cancer Treatment

The benefits of whey protein in cancer treatment have been widely recognized. It provides essential nutrition, promotes recovery and muscle growth, and also enhances immune function, providing vital support and assistance to cancer patients...(read more)


Exercise muscles to prevent falls

As we grow older, the muscles of the body are gradually lost, and the binding force on the bones is insufficient, resulting in a decrease in mobility and easy falls and injuries. Therefore, older people need to exercise...(read more)

乳清蛋白有助老年人克服肌少症 增加體重 提高體能

Whey Protein Helps Elderly Overcome Sarcopenia, Gain Weight and Improve Physical Performance

Whey protein is not only suitable for fitness enthusiasts. Whey protein can help the elderly to gain weight. The decline in lean muscle mass with age may lead to sarcopenia, which leads to decreased function and independence in the elderly. Therefore, the elderly must take appropriate whey protein to help build muscle and...(read more)

乳清蛋白 最全面的營養補品|強化免疫力 增肌健骨 護腸胃

乳清蛋白 最全面的營養補品|強化免疫力 增肌健骨 護腸胃

(Traditional Chinese only) 乳清蛋白是從牛奶分離出來的珍貴蛋白質(少於1%),是營養最全面的天然蛋白質,有「蛋白之王」的稱號。含全面人體必需氨基酸,含量和比例與人體需要的非常接近,極易被人體吸收利用。除補充人體所需的蛋白質外,還提升免疫力,調節胃腸機能、促進肌肉製造及骨質合成,是不可多得的……(繼續閱讀)
人口老化 港人平均壽命全球No.1 如何活出健康晚年?

How to maintain healthy in our old ages?

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people aged 60 or above will be doubled between 2020...(read more)