
As we grow older, the muscles of the body are gradually lost, and the binding force on the bones is insufficient, resulting in a decrease in mobility and easy falls and injuries. Therefore, older people need to exercise.

How to strengthen our muscles?

Muscles are very important to our daily life. Both the elderly and young people need to train their muscles to ensure the flexibility of movement. Here are some ways to strengthen your muscles:

  1. Exercise: weightlifting, push-ups and squats are good for young people to increase muscle size and strength. For elderly, walking, jogging, or swimming, can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and overall physical fitness, while also beneficial to the muscles.
  2. Diet: A balanced diet giving a diverse range of nutrients form, for example fruit, vegetables, grains, fish, and meat. Tofu, is also a good source of protein to maintain good muscles. In addition, we need some unsaturated oils and carbohydrates. Supplementary, elderly may take whey protein for easy digestion. Whey protein helps to increase muscles mass but also improve immunity and enhance physical fitness.
  3. Rest: Getting enough sleep is also very important for the recovery and growth of muscles.

Strong muscles help to enhance the body's strength and improve overall physical fitness.

Related article:

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