兩種抗氧化物有助眼睛不受自由基攻擊, aXimed, 挪威阿斯麥,

Lutein from marigolds and anthocyanins from Nordic blueberries are both natural antioxidants that are believed to be beneficial for eye health. Lutein is mainly found in yellow vegetables or flowers and citrus fruits, while anthocyanins are mainly found in dark fruits and vegetables, such as bilberries, purple grapes, purple onions, etc. When taken together these two antioxidants can provide a comprehensive protective effect on the eyes. Here are some benefits of lutein and anthocyanin blend:

  1. Stronger antioxidant effect:
    Both lutein and anthocyanin are powerful antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals, prevent damage of free radicals to cells, and delay aging.
  2. Protect the retina:
    Both lutein and anthocyanin can pass through the retina and protect the cells against free radicals, slowing down the degeneration of retina.

Taking lutein and anthocyanins at the same time can provide more comprehensive protection for the eyes, might help prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.