aXivite™ - 一個獲全球多項專利的超級新型食品

aXivite™ (Phenylcapsaicin) - Super Novel Food
aXivite™ is a new hot ingredient developed and studied by aXichem AB in Sweden during more than ten years and has achieved multiple global patents.

aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,

aXivite™(Phenylcapsaicin) Certified as GRAS-Food under the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,

Registered as a Novel Food with European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,Proven by multiple scientific research

aXivite™ has several health benefits and can be used for:

  • Pain management (Anti-inflammatory pain relief)
  • Weight management
  • Improving Gut Health
  • Increasing uptake of other nutrients as an effective bio-enhancer

aXivite is non-toxic, non-irritating, safe, and safe for long term consumption.

aXivite official website:

aXimed products containing aXivite™ are:


aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,


aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,


aXivite™ - A Super Novel Food with multiple global patents, Phenylcapsaicin, FDA, GRAS, EFSA, PheniCare, Curcuvite,Melatonin, aXimed,

aXimed official website: